简介: In 1997, scientists and local government officials face life-and-death decisions when a destructive flood wave threatens the city. The local authori
简介:A group of male friends embark on an Irish stag party.一群单身汉在单身汉舞会. 这是一部关于描述男性友谊的爱尔兰喜剧。这部剧实际上有一点反单身的意味。对很多男性来讲,保持单身的想法是非常可怕的,这也是这部电影想要表达的东西。所以这会是一部非常欢
简介:With ruthless US and Japanese investment banks circling Tuftons, a struggling two-hundred-year-old, family-run British bank, can its bumbling, incompe