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      A failed, recluse director, Max, moves from New York City to a small seaside town after his wife's death. He struggles with his parental role over his son. Eddie, meanwhile, is becoming increasingly involved in the not-so-underground culture of drugs, promiscuous sex, and gang violence that lies there.  The chasm between them seems to be growing despite Max's best efforts. Max jogs in the mornings and routinely passes a psychic. She spontaenously predicts that one night a serial killer will attack Eddie on the beach.  Eddie is sampling various drugs with his friend, Smiley, and having unprotected sex. He ignores the advice of his father as a rule and seems beyond hope of redemption in the eyes of mainstream society. He shows potential for betterment when he prevents the murder of a rival gang member. Max saves Eddie from the serial killer.


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    • 2.0 HD中字 细毛家屋场甲申阴阳界 大陆剧情片
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    • 10.0 HD 木屐树 Luigi Ornaghi,Francesca Moriggi,Omar Brignoli,Antonio Ferrari,Teresa Brescianini
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