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      Can the Justice League prevail against an unstoppable intergalactic machine with the power to bend time itself!? Until now, the Justice League has triumphed over every foe who has challenged them. This time, they face Brainiac, a super-intelligent invulnerable machine whose mad quest endangers all life in the galaxy. When Brainiac zaps Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern to different places in time, the race is on for Batman and The Flash to re-assemble the Justice League!


    • 6.0 HD中字 海狼1980 格利高里·派克,罗杰·摩尔,大卫·尼文,特瑞沃·霍华德,芭芭拉•科勒曼,帕特里克·麦克尼,肯尼思·格里菲思,帕特里克·艾伦,沃尔夫·卡赫勒,罗伯特·霍夫曼,艾伦·卡思伯森,珀西·赫伯特,唐纳德·休斯敦,杰克·沃森,约翰·斯坦丁,菲丝·布鲁克
    • 3.0 更新至HD 萨扬 阿隆·陂佩,Roberto,García,Ruiz,Alejandro,Trejo,Loreto,Aravena,爱德华多·帕谢罗,Rallen,Montenegro,Roberto,Cayuqueo,Camilo,Arancibia,Teresa,Ramos
    • 10.0 更新至HD 疯狂大赛车 杰克·莱蒙,托尼·柯蒂斯,娜塔莉·伍德
    • 7.0 HD 西瓦拉多大决战 凯文·克莱恩,凯文·科斯特纳,丹尼·格洛弗,斯科特·格伦
    • 5.0 更新至HD 狙击蜘蛛巢 Gino Barzacchi,Gabriel Cash,Riccardo Serventi Longhi
    • 6.0 更新至HD 亡命之徒 马科斯·鲁伊斯,贝戈尼亚·瓦加斯,彻楚·萨尔加多,Xavier Martín,Carlos Oviedo,Jorge Aparicio,丹尼尔·伊瓦涅斯,Cintia García,Víctor Manuel Pajares,哈维·萨兹,Carlos Serrano,佩普·托萨,Santiago Molero,爱诺亚·萨娜塔玛蕊,‎伊丽莎白·‎‎卡萨诺瓦斯‎

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