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      Both critics and audiences have appreciated SHIN Yeon-shick’s films—A Great Actor, Fair Love, The Russian Novel, Rough Play—for his distinctive signature. His new feature The Avian Kind will be part of this year’s Jeonju Digital Project 2014. It is about a writer’s journey to find his missing wife, and this story was also part of his former filmThe Russian Novel. His new film is getting a lot of attention thanks to his unique style of getting the motifs from literature and theatrical plays.


    • 2.0 HD中字 末路狂花1991 吉娜·戴维斯,苏珊·萨兰登,哈威·凯特尔,迈克尔·马德森,布拉德·皮特
    • 6.0 HD 泳得金牌 佩顿·李斯特,劳伦·埃斯波西托,Daniel,Needs,Olivia,Nardini,Johrel,Martschinke,Alexa,Curtis,马丁·沃尔,Janelle,Bailey,Niam,Mayes,Candice,Hill,利亚姆·霍普·耶克·道兹,史蒂夫·内申,布拉登·刘易斯,Madeline,Howlett,Shaylee,Gear
    • 5.0 1080P 茜茜公主(国) 罗密·施耐德,卡尔海因茨·伯姆,玛格达·施奈德,乌塔·弗朗茨,古斯塔夫·克努特
    • 1.0 HD 黄阿丽:小眼镜蛇2016 黄阿丽
    • 1.0 1080P 普瑞希拉 卡莉·史派妮,雅各布·艾洛蒂,阿里·科恩,达格玛拉·多敏齐克,提姆·波斯特,林恩·格里芬,丹·贝尔尼,罗德里戈·费尔南德斯-斯托尔,丹·阿布拉莫维奇,马修·肖,蒂姆·道勒-科特曼,奥斯汀·鲍尔,奥利维亚·巴雷特,史蒂芬·穆尔,卢克·汉弗莱,戴安娜·贾维斯,乔吉亚·凯登斯,约瑟特·哈尔珀特,埃文·安妮塞特,斯蒂芬妮·莫兰
    • 5.0 HD 飞天万能床国语 安吉拉·兰斯伯瑞,Conrad Bachmann,罗迪·麦克道尔

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